
This is the old manual for versions earlier than 1.1. Please use this information for those versions only.

Scripts – Analysis of a whole human genome

The python script will analyze a whole human genome using whole genome sequencing reads. It will align reads to genotype genome, extract reads belonging to each locus of interest, and perform typing and assembly.

Argument Description Default Example
--base Base file name for index, variants, haplotypes, etc. genotype_genome --base genotype_genome
--region-list Comma separated list of regions (empty) meaning every region available --region-list hla.A,hla.B,hla.C,codis.FGA,cyp.2D6
-p / --threads Number of threads to be used 1 -p 4
-U Single-end read file name None -U read.fq.gz
-1 Paired-end read file name 1 None -1 read.1.fq.gz
-2 Paired-end read file name 2 None -2 read.2.fq.gz
-f / --fasta Reads are provided in FASTA format None -f
--alignment-file Sorted bam alignment file converted from HISAT2’s sam alignment output None --alignment-file NA12878.bam
--num-editdist Number of maximum edit distance or mismatches allowed in the alignment, typing, and assembly of a read (not a pair) 2 --num-editdist 0
--assembly Perform assembly of each locus of interest disabled --assembly
--verbose Provide more information disabled --verbose
-h / --help Output help message disabled --help


$ --base genotype_genome -p 4 -1 read.1.fq.gz -2 read.2.fq.gz
$ --verbose --base genotype_genome -p 4 --region-list hla.A -1 read.1.fq.gz -2 read.2.fq.gz
$ --base genotype_genome --alignment-file NA12878.bam  
$ --base genotype_genome --region-list hla.A,hla.B,hla.C,hla.DQA1,hla.DQB1,hla.DRB1,codis,cyp.2D6 --alignment-file NA12878.bam – Analysis of a specific gene, genomic region, or gene family

The python script will analyze a particular locus or a set of genes or genomic regions using extracted reads. As the name of the script (locus) implies, it will align reads to a part of genotype genome and perform typing and assembly.

Argument Description Default Example
--base Base file name for index, variants, haplotypes, etc. hla --base codis
--locus-list Comma separated list of loci (empty) meaning every locus available --locus-list A,B,C,DQA1,DQB1,DRB1
-p / --threads Number of threads to be used 1 -p 4
-U Single-end read file name None -U read.fq.gz
-1 Paired-end read file name 1 None -1 read.1.fq.gz
-2 Paired-end read file name 2 None -2 read.2.fq.gz
-f / --fasta Reads are provided in FASTA format false -f
--num-editdist Number of maximum edit distance or mismatches allowed in the alignment, typing, and assembly of a read (not a pair) 2 --num-editdist 0
--assembly Perform assembly of each locus of interest disabled --assembly
--genotype-genome Base name for genotype genome, which the program will use instead of region-based small indexes None --genotype-genome genotype_genome
--verbose Provide more information disabled --verbose
-h / --help Output help message disabled --help


 $ --base hla --locus-list A --num-editdist 2 --assembly -1 ILMN/NA12892.extracted.1.fq.gz -2 ILMN/NA12892.extracted.2.fq.gz
 $ --base hla --locus-list A,B,C,DQA1,DQB1,DRB1 --num-editdist 2 -1 ILMN/NA12892.extracted.1.fq.gz -2 ILMN/NA12892.extracted.2.fq.gz

For advanced users

In addition to analyzing real sequencing reads, the script comes with additional testing capabilities, which might come in handy when determining whether a problematic result is due to noise in sequencing reads or algorithms. To do so, the script can generate simulation reads with sequencing errors and SNPs, and test and evaluate the accuracy of its typing and assembly algorithms, with additional options described below.

Argument Description Default Example
--read-len Length of a simulated read 100 --read-len 150
--fragment-len Length of a fragment 350 --fragment-len 500
--perbase-errorrate Sequencing error rate per base in percentage 0.0 (%) --perbase-errorrate 0.2
--perbase-snprate SNP rate per base in percentage 0.0 (%) --perbase-snprate 0.1
--skip-fragment-regions Comma separated list of regions from which no reads originate None --skip-fragment-regions 500-600,1200-1400
--random-seed Seeding number for random number generation 1 --random-seed 10
--debug Comma separated list of debugging parameters None --debug "pair,test_list:A*03:01:01:05,A*24:02:01:01"


 $ --base hla --locus-list A 
 $ --base hla --locus-list A --debug "pair"
 $ --base hla --locus-list B --assembly --debug "pair,test_list:A*03:01:01:05,A*24:02:01:01"
 $ --base hla --locus-list A --assembly --simulate-interval 10 --perbase-errorrate 0.3 --perbase-snprate 0.1 --num-editdist 2 --debug "pair,full"
 $ --base hla --locus-list A --assembly --simulate-interval 10 --perbase-errorrate 0.3 --perbase-snprate 0.1 --num-editdist 2 --debug "pair,full" --skip-fragment-regions 1000-1020 --random-seed 0 – Building a genotype genome

The python script will create a genotype genome using the human reference genome (GRCh38) and several genomic databases. A tutorial for the script can be found here.

Argument Description Default Example
--base Base file name for index, variants, haplotypes, etc. genotype_genome --base genotype_genome
--database-list Comma separated list of databases hla --database-list hla,codis,cyp
--commonvar Include common variants from dbSNP (about 13 million) false --commonvar
--clinvar Include clinically relevant variants from NCBI ClinVar database false --clinvar
-p / --threads Number of threads to be used 1 -p 4
--verbose Provide more information disabled --verbose
-h / --help Output help message disabled --help


 $ -p 4 --base genotype_genome --database-list hla --commonvar
 $ -p 4 --base genotype_genome --database-list hla,codis,cyp --commonvar – Extraction of variants, haplotypes, etc.

This python script is typically run by other scripts, though instructions are provided here for users who wish to directly run the script. The script will extract allele sequences, variants, haplotypes, etc. from multiple sequence alignments available in hisatgenotype_db. Tutorials for the script can be found at HLA typing and DNA fingerprinting anlaysis.

Argument Description Default Example
--base Base file name for index, variants, haplotypes, etc. hla --base codis
--locus-list Comma separated list of loci (empty) meaning every locus available --locus-list A,B,C,DQA1,DQB1,DRB1
--min-var-freq Exclude variants whose freq is below than this value in percentage 0.0 (%) --min-var-freq 0.1
--leftshift Shift deletions to the leftmost disabled --leftmost
--inter-gap Maximum distance for variants to be in the same haplotype 30 --inter-gap 30
--intra-gap Break a haplotype into several haplotypes 50 --intra-gap 50
--verbose Provide more information disabled --verbose
-h / --help Output help message disabled --help


 $ --base hla --locus-list A,B,C,DQA1,DQB1,DRB1 --min-var-freq 0.1
 $ --base codis – Extraction of reads that belong to genomic regions of interest

The python script will extract reads that belong to loci of interest from whole sequencing reads. The script can also be used to extract reads from many samples. A tutorial for the script can be found here.

Argument Description Default Example
--base Base file name for index, variants, haplotypes, etc. genotype_genome --base genotype_genome
--database-list Comma separated list of databases (empty) meaning every database available --database-list hla,codis,cyp
-U Single-end read file name None -U read.fq.gz
-1 Paired-end read file name 1 None -1 read.1.fq.gz
-2 Paired-end read file name 2 None -2 read.2.fq.gz
--read-dir Name of directory where read files are placed None --read-dir test_input
--out-dir Name of directory where extracted read files will be placed None --out-dir test_output
--suffix Read file suffix name fq.gz --suffix fastq.gz
-f / --fasta Reads are provided in FASTA format false -f
--num-editdist Number of maximum edit distance or mismatches allowed in the alignment, typing, and assembly of a read (not a pair) 2 --num-editdist 0
-p / --threads Number of threads to be used 1 -p 4
--max-sample Number of samples to be extracted sys.maxint --max-sample 917
--job-range Comma separated two numbers representing a range 0,1 --job-range 1,4
--verbose Provide more information disabled --verbose
-h / --help Output help message disabled --help


 $ --base genotype_genome --database-list hla,codis,cyp -1 test.1.fq.gz -2 test.2.fq.gz
 $ --base genotype_genome --database-list hla,codis,cyp --read-dir test_input --out-dir test_output – Analysis of many samples

The python script will analyze genomic regions of interest using reads that are extracted from using Please avoid directly running the script on whole genomic sequencing reads as doing so will lead to inaccurate results due to reasons partly described here. A tutorial for the script can be found at HLA typing. The script is designed to analyze many samples.

Argument Description Default Example
--base Base file name for index, variants, haplotypes, etc. genotype_genome --base genotype_genome
--region-list Comma separated list of regions (empty) meaning every region available --region-list hla.A,hla.B,hla.C,codis.FGA,cyp.2D6
--read-dir Name of directory where read files are placed None --read-dir test_input
--out-dir Output directory name None --out-dir test_output
-f / --fasta Reads are provided in FASTA format false -f
--num-editdist Number of maximum edit distance or mismatches allowed in the alignment, typing, and assembly of a read (not a pair) 2 --num-editdist 0
-p / --threads Number of threads to be used 1 -p 4
--assembly Perform assembly of each locus of interest disabled --assembly
--verbose Provide more information disabled --verbose
-h / --help Output help message disabled --help


 $ -p 4 --region-list hla --read-dir test_input --out-dir test_output
 $ -p 4 --region-list hla.A,hla.B --read-dir test_input --out-dir test_output
 $ -p 4 --region-list codis --read-dir test_input --out-dir test_output